Frequently asked questions

Yes, all the products we share and send are original. It is not possible otherwise. All your orders are purchased from the brands' own stores or authorized sales points. I do not sell replica products.

All products are legally delivered to you by paying your customs taxes. The price we provide includes the express shipping fee and customs tax. You do not make any payment after the order.

The cargo company we work with carries out your customs procedures on your behalf and pays your taxes. The price we quote includes your customs tax. You do not need to make any payments or transactions after your order.

Our delivery time is a maximum of 5 working days after your package leaves. The time of departure may vary depending on the product you choose. The cargo of the products in our stock departs the next day. The products purchased for you are usually delivered to us within 1 week. After your order is delivered to us, it will be delivered to the cargo quickly.

Please turn off your VPN if you are using it!!Since the system does not find it safe, it does not allow you to pay.You can always contact us for any questions you may have. Enjoy your shopping!!